If you work in cybersecurity either as a CISO or an analyst, it’s likely that your company’s cybersecurity needs consume you 24/7. As they say, folks in cyber security don’t have days off.
An information security personnel’s workload revolves around the following:
These things run through a cyber security professional’s mind all day. As a result, they lead extremely stressful lives even when they aren’t working.
Research shows that 1 out of 6 cybersecurity professionals say they suffer from burnout, and it’s likely the number will keep going up. Plus, 51% of cyber security professionals say that they have trouble falling asleep due to work-related stress.
If you also feel like your work life is affecting your health and peace, remember that you’re not alone. And we’re here to give you some tips.
But first, it’s paramount to understand that you shouldn’t be risking your mental health for your job. Do not forget that your work performance will take a hit if you dismiss your mental health needs.
So how can you prioritize your wellness without compromising on your work? Here are some practical tips to make it happen without taking away too much time from your schedule (because we all know you don’t have more time to spare.)
Algorithms make everything easier. They tailor our feeds to user preferences and interests, offering a more personalized online experience. Cybersecurity professionals rely on platforms like LinkedIn, Reddit and Twitter to keep up with related news and trends. However, algorithms cannot differentiate between your professional needs and personal interests.
If you’re constantly seeing cybersecurity-related content even after work hours, it’s ging to create mental fatigue. To prevent this, set up different social media accounts for your professional and private use. Log off the moment you step out of work. This will let you be updated with relevant content, but on your own time.
Did you know that 97% of the C-Suite believe that the security team could provide more value for the budget allocated to them? When you don’t have a great support system outside your team, your members need to have each other’s back.
The first step in achieving this (which will benefit your team’s work culture as well) is to have transparent communication within the team. Every member must know what everyone else is doing. This way, you can easily organize, schedule, and delegate each member’s work around each other’s.
If you regularly review what each team member contributes, you can easily seek out and avoid having multiple people do the same task.
Similarly, when it comes to keeping up with trends and industry-specific news, delegating different members to consume specialized information can save you all tons of time. Another plus of using this method is that you can bridge personal communication gaps between team members since they will be constantly engaging in conversation with their findings with others, making your team a friendly and responsive space. This will eventually improve your team’s overall performance.
Your teammates are probably as stressed as you are, if not more. Remember to have each other’s back no matter what. You’re all in the same boat.
Prioritize fun activities with your colleagues to help your team recharge:
While you should be strongly advocating for your team members, fostering a supportive security culture amidst colleagues from other departments will make life easier for you. It’ll help you to:
Want an in-depth guide to building a pro-security culture at your organization? Read our detailed piece here. Five Tips To Drive A Cybersecurity Transformation In Your Organization.
We’ve already established that working in cyber security leaves you with a demanding schedule. But it’s essential to squeeze in some time for your physical health. Try your best to add in a 30 minute workout or meditation session twice or thrice a week. It doesn’t have to be an everyday practice. You could also revisit your favorite sport that you’ve perhaps lost touch with if exercise and meditation are not your cup of tea.
Exercise can boost your energy, calm your racing mind, reduce stress and improve focus so that you can go back to your work recharged, make better decisions and perform better in high pressure environments.
CISO and Wellness Guru Jothi Dugar recommends practising mindful breathing: slowly letting go of your thoughts and focus on your inhalation and exhalation. Every morning before you switch on your computer to get started on work, take a moment to pause to set your intention for the day. In the face of adversity, you should learn to distance yourself from the situation and respond to it instead of reacting immediately. It almost always doesn’t do you any good. In a taxing field like cybersecurity, simple relaxation and breathing techniques will lend a helping hand in staying positive and keeping you boosted as you encounter challenging tasks.
Want more insights from Jothi Dugar to ponder on? Read our piece on Jothi Dugar’s holistic approach to wellness.
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